Other training courses

Other training courses

Here you will find information about different courses we have given. Some of them in collaboration with other entities such as the University Institute of Industrial Technology of Asturias (UITA), the University of León (ULE) or the University of Valladolid (UVA).

Drone courses with Universities

We offer our STS, radiophonist and introductory training courses in collaboration with universities, offering exclusive discounts and even the possibility of obtaining credits.

Some of the universities that have collaborated with us are the University of León, the University of Valladolid and the University of Salamanca.

Photogrammetry course

We offer a training course in photogrammetry in collaboration with the Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Industrial de Asturias.

This course will prepare you to become an expert in photogrammetry, enabling you to create 3D digital representations of terrain and structures.

It also includes the official STS drone pilot training course.

Audiovisual Course

In this course in collaboration with the University Institute of Industrial Technology of Asturias, you will learn some techniques and tools of the audiovisual world to achieve the best results in video and photography at a professional level.

You will also learn how to integrate audiovisual elements (photos and videos) obtained from a drone into these elements to give a unique touch to your creations.

Includes the official STS drone pilot training course.

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